My current workout routine is targeted towards preparing for the bikini competition stage. This routine does vary by week and even by month depending on how my body has been developing or what may need more attention or development. The following is my best bikini body workout routine:
- Barbell Squat – 2 warm-up sets, then 4 sets of 10
- Leg Extension – 4 sets of 10-12
- DB Walking Lunges superset with Bodyweight Split Squats – 4 sets of 10 each
- Leg Press (feet high and wide, press with heels) – 4 sets of 10-12
- Calf Press on Leg Press Machine – 6 sets of 20 (toes pointed in, out, & forward – 2 sets each)
- Box Jumps – 4 sets of 20
TUESDAY – Shoulders/Abs
- Single Arm Plate Upright Row – 4 sets of 15 each arm
- Plank Shoulder Taps superset with Kneeling Single Arm Shoulder Press – 4 sets of 15 each
- DB Lateral Raise superset with DB Front Raise – 4 sets of 15
- Straight Leg Hip Raise superset with Bicycle Crunches – 3 sets of 20
- Kneeling Cable Face Pull superset with Rope Crunches – 3 sets of 20
- Battle Ropes alternating slams (KB swings if no rope) – 4 sets of 20
WEDNESDAY – Plyos/Abs/Glutes
- Tri-Set – 4 sets of 15-20
a. Stability Ball Crunches
b. Stability Ball Knee Pull-Ins
c. Stability Ball Pass Throughs - Box Jumps – 3 sets of 15-20
- Squat Jumps superset with Jump Lunges – 3 sets of 15-20
- Burpee with 10 Mountain Climbers at the bottom – 3 sets of 10
- Hip Thrusters on Leg Extension Machine OR Barbell – 4 working sets of 12
- DB Donkey kickbacks superset with Banded Clamshell – 4 sets of 15-20
THURSDAY – Glutes/Hamstrings
- Barbell Hip Thrust – 2 warm-up sets, then 4 sets of 10
- Lying Leg Curl – 4 sets of 15-20
- Barbell Alternating Lateral Lunges – 4 sets of 15-20
- DB Deadlifts superset with Deficit Reverse Lunges – 4 sets of 12 each
- Plie DB Squat – 4 sets of 12 reps pyramid in weight (increase each set)
- Cable Glute Kickback – 4 sets of 20 reps each leg
FRIDAY – Shoulders/Triceps
- Seated Arnold DB Press – 4 sets of 10
- Bent Over Rear Delt Raise superset with Close Grip Push-Ups til failure – 4 sets of 12-15
- DB Front To Lateral Raise – 4 sets of 12
- Cable Reverse Grip Pressdown – 4 sets of 12-15
- Cambered Bar Skullcrusher superset with mountain climbers off the bench – 3 sets of 15
- Jump Squat with Single Arm Upright Row – 4 sets of 15 each arm
SATURDAY – Back/Biceps
- Wide Grip Pull-up assisted, machine OR bodyweight (warm-up) – 2 sets of 15
- Reverse Grip Inverted Row superset with Wide Lat Pulldown – 4 sets of 12-15
- Reverse Grip Bent Over Barbell Row – 4 sets of 12-15
- Reverse Grip Close Lat Pulldown superset with V-Bar Seated Cable Row – 4 sets of 12-15
- High Pulley Cable Bicep Curl – 4 sets of 12-15
- Alternating DB Hammer Curl – 4 sets of 12-15
Bikini Pro Tip:
Consistency is key, start with small changes and that will add up to bigger results. The
best way to start is by cutting out extra hidden calories i.e. dressings, dips, sauces, and
drinks that are high in calories like soda or juices. Drink more water! Add more steps to
your day; adding 10-minute walks, parking a little further away, taking the stairs instead
of the elevator. By the end of the week, these all add up and will contribute to your
1) It is so true that you need to trust the process, trust your coach/trainer if you have one.
2) Stay consistent, so that if you start to plateau, the appropriate changes can be made.
3) Know that your fitness journey will take time; this is a marathon and a lifestyle change, not a sprint.
4) Know your why and write down your goals.